Flexible Integration in der Medizintechnik-Software mit Publish/Subscribe Messaging

Viele Medizingeräte müssen eine Vielfalt unterschiedlichster Hardware- und Software-komponenten in sich vereinen. Zudem sollen sie auch noch eine moderne und umfangreiche Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle (MMS) unterstützen. Persistent Publish/Subscribe (PPS) Messaging stellt einen vielseitigen, einfach implementierbaren und zuverlässigen Messaging-Mechanismus zur Verfügung, der das Systemdesign erheblich vereinfacht und die Implementierung einer Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle erleichtert.

12/11/11 Download

Ben VandenBelt bvandenbelt@qnx.com

Ben VandenBelt

Ben VandenBelt joined QNX in 2006, and is currently a developer on the QNX industrial design team. Before coming to QNX, Ben worked on ASIC hardware development and telecom software at Nortel. Ben has a B.Eng. in Computer Science from Carleton University, where he continues taking courses on subjects such as biomedical engineering and—not surprisingly—realtime operating system design. He is an avid cycler and snowboarder, and hopes to continue these types of activities with his son, who is learning to skate before he can walk.

Justin Moon jmoon@qnx.com

Justin Moon

Justin Moon is currently a Product Manager for the medical market. Since joining QNX Software Systems 10 years ago, Justin has worked on the Custom Engineering Team, specializing in BSP and driver development, and on the Automotive Team, where he worked with a number of Tier 1 and OEM automotive companies. He has also worked as a Field Application Engineer responsible for QNX's Canadian customers. Justin practices several martial arts disciplines. He studied computer engineering at St. Lawrence College.