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Include the standard header <stdexcept> to define several classes used for reporting exceptions. The classes form a derivation hierarchy, as indicated by the indenting above, all derived from class exception.

namespace std {
class logic_error;
    class domain_error;
    class invalid_argument;
    class length_error;
    class out_of_range;

class runtime_error;
    class range_error;
    class overflow_error;
    class underflow_error;


class domain_error : public logic_error {
    domain_error(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report a domain error. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class invalid_argument : public logic_error {
    invalid_argument(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an invalid argument. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class length_error : public logic_error {
    length_error(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an attempt to generate an object too long to be specified. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class logic_error : public exception {
    logic_error(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report errors presumably detectable before the program executes, such as violations of logical preconditions. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class out_of_range : public logic_error {
    out_of_range(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an argument that is out of its valid range. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class overflow_error : public runtime_error {
    overflow_error(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an arithmetic overflow. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class range_error : public runtime_error {
    range_error(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report a range error. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class runtime_error : public exception {
    runtime_error(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report errors presumably detectable only when the program executes. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().


class underflow_error : public runtime_error {
    underflow_error(const string& message);

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an arithmetic underflow. The value returned by what() is a copy of message.data().

See also the Table of Contents and the Index.

Copyright © 1992-2002 by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.

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