The QNX SDK for Apps and Media complements the QNX Software Development Platform 6.6 to provide a complete solution allowing device manufacturers to build mobile-like UIs with full multimedia capabilities, powered by secure, reliable QNX technologies. Use this binary to install QNX SDK for Apps and Media in Linux host environments. Install the QNX SDP 6.6 before installing this package. QNX SDK for Apps and Media 1.1 is not compatible with QNX CAR 2.1.
This will force the download of this item to originate from the global
Akamai network of servers and will utilize the Akamai Download Manager. This Download Manager provides pause/resume
functionality to improve your download experience and improve reliability but requires a browser plug-in
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This will force the download of this item to originate from the global
Akamai network of servers using traditional http style downloads. This choice does not require the use of a
browser plug-in Download Manager. This download service may not fully support resume functionality
should your download get interrupted. This is the default option when selecting the Download Now button above.
This will force the download of this item to originate from one of QNX’s corporate
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